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July 15, 2020

Why You Should Create a Home Inventory and How to Do It.

Every item in your home was once purchased.  If you added up the cost of everything including all clothing, furniture, kitchenware, appliances, patio furniture, sporting goods, electronics etc., you would amazed at how much money you have spent over the years on these items. But what if you loose these items all at once?  How could […]
May 29, 2020

Colorado Food Delivery Drivers, Are you covered for an Auto Accident?

Almost all personal lines auto insurance policies exclude ‘delivery’ from their policies, even if you have a ‘business use endorsement’.   Commercial auto policies need to be written with a ‘delivery’ exposure to ensure coverage due to an accident involving a driver delivery goods to the public. But during the current Covid-19 pandemic, restaurants have been […]
February 13, 2020

Essential Tips for Buying the Perfect Home

Buying a new home is a major financial and emotional commitment for most people.  Doing your homework and research before buying a new home will insure you are happy with your purchase and afford the quality of life you desire.  After you’ve done the following……. Calculated your price range Found a realtor you trust Obtained […]
January 27, 2020

Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover a Stolen Vehicle?

If you’ve ever had your car stolen, you know what a major pain, inconvenience and expense this can be.   According to Colorado Crime Statistics, in 2018 , 21,000 vehicles were stolen across the state.  Almost 16,000 cars were eventually recovered but that means 5,000 people will have to replace their car, most likely before they […]
January 10, 2020

The Opioid Drug Crisis Affects the Profitability of Small Business

National Public Radio reports that 1/3 of Americans either know an opioid addicted person or someone who has actually overdosed on the drug.  In fact, more than 100 people every day overdose on opioids.  In the late 1990’s pharmaceutical companies began aggressively marketing the  drugs and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more […]
December 16, 2019

Tips To Insure Your Christmas Tree Doesn’t Become a Fire Hazard

Christmas Trees are a Wonderful Tradition, But Be Careful   According to the National Fire Protection Association, every holiday season, fire departments across the nation respond to an average of 160 home fires started by the use of a Christmas tree. It’s very important for the homeowner to take a few precautionary steps to protect […]
April 23, 2019

How to Avoid Filing a Small Business or Commercial Insurance Claim

  What are the Causes of most Small Business Insurance Claims? The survival of every small business depends on keeping expenses down.  Filing an insurance claim can be very costly for a small business; future higher insurance expenses, owner time spent dealing with the claim and reputational harm are just a few of the expenses […]
March 30, 2019

Why Call a Business Insurance Brokers or Commercial Insurance Broker When Shopping for Insurance?

  Using a Commercial Insurance Broker Saves you Time and Money   When you are ready to shop for a new commercial, business insurance policy, call a business insurance broker near Denver.  Insurance brokers can save you time by shopping around for you.  They do not work for the carrier…they work for you!  They usually […]
January 11, 2019

How Can a Small Business Increase Profitability in 2019?

The owner of a small business is a person who works long hours, wears many hats and fights lots of fires.  Its the nature of starting a small business.  Sometimes strategic planning and goal setting is overlooked. But the very survival of that small business, means precious time and energy should be spent on strategizing […]
January 2, 2019

How to Prevent and Identify an Ice Dam?

The coldest winter months in Denver Colorado are December through March.  Not only are these months the highest for insurance claims due to frozen pipes bursting, these cold months can also  damage your roof if  an ice dam develops.    What is an Ice Dam? This is where water freezes in place at the edge […]